September 2022

Public support pours in for officers policing Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral

Public support pours in for officers policing Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral

Her Majesty The Queen, Lord of Mann

All at the Police Federation of The Isle of Mann are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty The Queen, Lord of Man

August 2022


I am pleased to be able to present to you my report for the 2021-22 year. As you will see, it looks a little different than its predecessors, with a slightly greater emphasis being placed on graphics. It is no longer the case (sadly!) that people wish to read lengthy, nuanced documents, but I have attempted to strike an appropriate balance. I am due to retire at the end of 2022, so this will be the last report that I prepare. I am hugely proud to have been the Chief Constable of such an excellent police force. The public will never fully understand the dedication, determination and effort that so many officers invest every day of the year. They are remarkable public servants. - Chief Constable Gary Roberts QPM

PTSD 'at crisis levels' among police officers

PC Lee Jackson is one of thousands of officers to have been diagnosed with the condition in the UK

Federation Chair statement

Richard Hewitt issues statement following ratification of recent pay award at Joint Consultative Committee 18/08/2022

Why do police need Lord Edmund-Davies now more than before?

Police pay is in crisis and Government need to STEP UP

MANX Radio: Some Manx police officers living 'hand to mouth'

Some Police officers on the Island are living ‘hand to mouth’ and being forced into doing overtime out of ‘financial necessity’ in order to make ends meet.

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