Joint Statement from the Department of Home Affairs and the Police Federation of the Isle of Man


Department of Home Affairs

Isle of Man Police Federation

Joint Statement


The Department of Home Affairs and the Isle of Man Police Federation agree that the recent survey of serving Police officers relating to pay is a cause for serious concern. The recent cost of living crisis has brought the issue of Police pay into sharp focus.

Police officers in the Isle of Man are a vital part of our community, working long and often unsociable hours, frequently under difficult circumstances.

Both the Department of Home Affairs and the Police Federation have committed to work together to find a solution to the issues highlighted by the Federation. The most appropriate forum to do this is under the Joint Consultative Committee. At its meeting today, members agreed to form a working party to bring back options and solutions to address the highlighted issues.


NB – the Joint Consultative Committee is established under regulations made under the Police Act 1993 and has responsibility for acting as a negotiating and consulting body for Police conditions of service.

Page last updated: 08/02/2023