Prostate Cancer Awareness Month


1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, and 1 in 4 black men will be diagnosed. Those who have had a close relative suffer with either breast or prostate cancer have a 1 in 3 chance of being diagnosed. However, if caught early, the disease can be very treatable. 

At their meeting this week, members of the PFEW National Board and National Council took part in a PSA screening. This men’s health initiative, led by PFEW Men's Health lead Zac Mader and North Wales Secretary and Treasurer Mark Jones, invited male members of the council over the age of 40 to take the Prostate-Specific Antigen blood test. 

Mark Jones said: “In North Wales, we have been immensely proud to support the force efforts in the PSA testing from the very start. This has had some outstanding results and, unquestionably, has saved lives as it has given that early indication for a colleague to go and get further tests and treatment. To be able to expand the testing to all National Council, National Board and PFEW colleagues has been extremely worthwhile. The bonus was being able to offer out tests to members from the Newcastle police station next door! It would be incredible to see other police forces roll out this life saving work.

“Thanks have to go to Martyn Rice, our phlebotomist, and Maria Hughes, Head of Medical Services, for making the arrangements and North Wales Police for supporting this event to go ahead.”

Zac Mader said: "I am really proud of PFEW colleagues such as Matt Slade from Essex and Mark Jones from North Wales who have been pivotal in arranging Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing for male colleagues today.

"It is a quick blood test and helps highlight the risk of prostate cancer, vital for early diagnosis and treatment."

Phlebotomist Martyn Rice said "As a welfare officer for North Wales Police we have been doing PSA tests for over 4 years, we have found 6 or 7 red results. I think its vitally important for men to do the PSA screening.

"It has been a pleasure to support this PSA screening event for Police Federation in Newcastle. I am truly honoured to be able to play my part in assisting the Federation in their Men's Health campaign."

Page last updated: 11/11/2022