Federation board announce partnership with Peace of Mind Wills & Funeral Plans Ltd


The board would like to announce that they have decided that all fully subscribing members (Including those on maternity leave and on sick leave) who have paid subscriptions for a period of six months are eligible to have a professionally drafted will drawn up with ‘Peace of Mind Wills & Funeral Plans Ltd’, The Engine House, Castletown, IM9 1TG.

It is important for everyone to have a professionally drafted will, one that you can be certain will be legally valid when you pass away.

No matter how simple your affairs may seem or whatever your age, a Will ensures that your wishes are set out clearly so that on your passing, your assets will go to the people or charity you want them to go to.

Modern society is more complex, with partnerships and second marriages becoming more commonplace, so having a correctly drafted Will and proper Estate Planning is more important than ever before.

Thinking about and planning for death is bound to make most of us feel uncomfortable, but not doing so is likely to make the situation for those you leave behind far more painful than if you take the time to write a valid Will now.

If you have young children you can also appoint guardians in your Will to look after them should you die before they reach 18.

This offer is open for 6 months from the date of this post and non-Police officer partners can also access this service at a cost of only £100 + VAT giving you both peace of mind for a great price.

If you would like more details or access this service, please email Federation Enquiries at enquiries@iom-polfed.org or pop into the Federation office for more details.


The board of the Police Federation of the Isle of Man

Page last updated: 31/10/2022